Pirkei Avot (“Ethics of the Fathers”) records sayings of the sages dealing with the cultivation of positive character traits and attitudes.
Wednesday Evenings with Rebbetzin Chana Vigler LIVE on Zoom: Meeting ID: 5046287061 | Password: 208962
Pirkei Avot (“Ethics of the Fathers”) records sayings of the sages dealing with the cultivation of positive character traits and attitudes. Join us as we discuss the Torah’s perspective on charity, ownership, and free choice.
Wisdom, power, wealth, prestige. Of all the things that we pursue in life, these four qualities are among the most sought-after assets. But the common pathways that people follow in pursuit of these goals often yield very different results. The Torah offers a radically different approach to achieving these values—an approach that leads to a more profound wisdom, greater power, more gratifying wealth, and more meaningful prestige.
Lesson 2 - Mishna 1.pdf
When does love flare passionate and then die, and when does it endure for lifetimes? Should we persist in our search for a “pure” love, or settle for the more equivocal kind? A number of sayings by the sages of the Talmud illuminate the motivations that drive our actions and relationships, as well as the motivations behind those motivations.
Lesson 3 - Student Handout.pdf
What are the most valuable things you have? A passage in the sixth chapter of the Ethics of the Fathers approaches this question from a novel perspective: How does the idea of “value” apply to G‑d, who supposedly has everything and wants for nothing? In the final analysis, our own relationships and acquisitions have much to learn from G‑d’s relationship with His creations.